Renaissance Power and Gas

Thursday, October 23, 2014


It is my opinion that one does have something to do with the state of their environment.  I have never found it successful to make anyone else responsible for conditions in my area.  If I do not like the way things are it was always most beneficial for me to get busy and do something about it.  

A little bit of responsibility goes a long way.  It would start in our own homes and extend to those areas we frequent like work, school, parks etc...

If one simply had the idea that it was not a good idea to destroy the planet and made their disapproval clear by just mentioning it when they observed others doing something to damage the planet it would go a long way towards reversing the damage being done.

Simple things like not littering, car pooling or using public transportation when possible, recycling, planting trees and being mindful of water usage go a long way. All of these things do not take very much effort and can easily be fit into your daily routine. 

It may not seem like a lot but by doing these thing you set an example for others.  They in turn set an example for even more people and before you know it the idea takes off like a wildfire and a real difference has been made.  

This planet is our home.  Without it we have nowhere else to go.  If we continue to cut down trees and pollute the water and air at the rate we have been there is a good chance that this planet will not sustain life for the future generation. What we don't think about today can come back to haunt us tomorrow. 

So my question to you is what could you do today to help improve your environment? 


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