Renaissance Power and Gas

Monday, November 10, 2014

Save the Animals

Black Cat In The Brush

I have mentioned before that fracking has killed fish in fresh bodies of fresh water in Pennsylvania.  This got me thinking about just how many animals are harmed by fracking so I did some research and here are some of the facts that I found: 

New report suggest that fracking is causing illness, death and reproductive issues in cows, horses, goats, llamas, chickens, dogs, cats, fish and other wildlife.  People report these issues occurring in their household pets.  I cannot even imagine what that must be like,  especially when you can't do anything about it. 

In California fracking was found to have a negative impact on several endangered species including: condors, kit foxes and blunt-nosed leopard lizards.   These guys cannot thrive with their homes being destroyed. 

See, this guy is too cute to kill.
Farmers and veterinarians in  Colorado, Louisiana, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Texas complain that the space being taken up by all of the frack plants in their area has adversely affected their live stock.  In one instance toxic chemicals being leaked from a nearby plant resulted in 17 dead cows.  There have also been reports of livestock developing reproductive problems date coincident with fracking starting in the area. 

Mad Cow 2
Happy cow with no problems induced by fracking.
We still do not know the full impact fracking has on wildlife.  Experiments are still being conducted.  What we do know is that it is not good. In Ohio the Environmental Council expects to see quite a harmful impacts to the wildlife as fracking expands.  

This is something that needs to be stopped.  You can do your part by using the services of Renaissance Power and Gas if you are in the New York area.  We hope to be able to expand our program to include other areas and I will keep you posted as this happens.  Please inquire below if you have any questions.   

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